Monday, 22 June 2015

Science Investigation

We were investigating the viscosity in an oobleck mixture and we found out that adding more cornflour made a higher viscosity than the rest of the mixtures.

We did 4 trials: To 1 cup of cornflour we added:

                                     1) milk instead of water
                                     2) salt added
                                     3) soap added
                                     4) added 1 more cup of cornflour
We found the trial with the added cornflour created the highest viscosity.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Early Christianity

Image result for early christianity for kids Early Christianity was a lot about Christians being persecuted and if they said they believed in Jesus as the Son of God they would be killed with stones or fed to the lions. They didn't worry about being killed because they just wanted to believe in God's promises.                            


Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Spaghetti- our New Rat

 Spaghetti  is the new class rat. He is brown, little and speedy AND LOVES BANANA!!!. Our teacher got him on Saturday and Spaghetti is so happy to see are school. We got Spaghetti because Eddy's brother Freddy died. Spaghetti is a cool and happy rat and me and my class love him. 

Tuesday, 2 June 2015


Pentecost is a Christian festival celebrating the descent of the holey spirit on the disciples of Jesus. after he rose from the DEAD held on the seventh Sunday after Easter.
Image result for the holy spirit flame